Hello to anyone reading and thanks for visiting our website. Lovely weekend weather-wise last weekend, it would be good if we could have a few more like that ! The South West's ONLY Bottle Bar is pleased to announce that we will be unveiling a new product line in the bar in the next couple of weeks. We need to agree some paperwork but all being well we shall introduce something a bit less ordinary in soon. (Quick hint, it involves Somerset's favourite tipple !) This week sees the quiz on Thursday, 8pm. Last week we had a record number of teams and are expecting similar this week, we are working out some extra seating too.Then on Friday we have Tom Connibear playing at TBB, it's his first appearance with us so please come along and support a local business and a local act, both of us trying to start out in life !! http://www.myspace.com/tomcsolo Surfy laid back guitar, Jack Johnson-like !